That’s right! I’m back to write a Halloween post after another month of disappearing. I’m sorry that I’ve been absent for so long! I’ve been really busy helping out with my local theater. I’ve been in six shows there the past year, as well as taking part on their committee. I highly recommend you audition or take part in your community theater; it’s really fun and enjoyable!
I just finished helping out for The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. It’s a really complex and cool show about a fifteen-year-old boy Christopher Boone on the Autism spectrum who investigates to discover who killed his neighbor Mrs. Shears’ dog Wellington. Forbidden by his father Ed Boone to detect further, he finds out some pretty shocking things along the way. I highly recommend you check it out or read the script. However, I strongly advise you kids out there to NOT do that! It has strong adult language and brief violence. Usually my parents wouldn’t let me take part in a show like that, but I had already signed on without reading the script! Also, because it’s more about the experience I get out of it rather than the content within the show. 😉
Anyway, getting back to what this post is about. . . . Halloween! When I had my old website Planet Whiz Kid before it crashed, I wrote a Halloween post ALMOST every year it was up. I wrote a 2016 and a 2017 post, but I couldn’t fit in a 2018 post for some reason. Let me tell you what happened in the 2016 and ’17 posts:
In the 2016 post, it’s about how Lord Dreadful, the King of the Monsters, is very cruel to his subordinates. He disintegrates Frankenstein, Witch Miriam, and The Werewolf Man, but Count Dracula stands up to him and battles him away from the remaining monsters, forcing him to go into hiding and never come near Monster Manor (the manor in which the monsters live) again.
In the 2017 post, it ramps things up a little bit. Dracula has now taken over Lord Dreadful’s position as King of the Monsters, and is even worse than Dreadful was. He has formed a strong rivalry with the Invisible Man, and has hired Pennywise the Dancing Clown to kidnap many children. When Pennywise doesn’t have as many children as Dracula requested, he attempts to destroy Pennywise, but the clown escapes. When nobody helps Dracula, he tries to flee, but Wizard Marius hits him with a spell, and a fight ensues, one in which Dracula gravely injures Marius. Drac disintegrates Jack O’Lantern and turns Marius into a dragon, although costing Drac a scar across his face and the destruction of Monster Manor. As Drac flies away, the Invisible Man, with help from Skeleton (who are the only two monsters remaining besides Drac and Marius), manages to fly up onto Marius the Dragon. Drac destroys Skeleton and easily defeats the Invisible Man, seeing where he is due to his glasses. Invisible takes the glasses off and continues fighting Dracula, eventually knocking him off Marius the Dragon. However, since Dracula can fly, he captures Invisible once and for all, riding to his destination on Marius the Dragon. In a post-credits scene, Dracula is in a room of gold, with Frankenstein in a cage. He kneels to someone and says that “It is done, my master.”
So what will happen next? Will Count Dracula be defeated? Who was Dracula talking to at the end? What is Frankenstein doing in a cage when he was supposedly disintegrated by Lord Dreadful? What happened to the Invisible Man? You’ll find out if you keep scrolling down this article! Or, if you continue watching my website for the next few days.
This will be a three-part post. I don’t have enough time to write this entire story out, so today is part one, tomorrow will be part two, and November 2 will be part three. One of the reasons I’m doing it this way is because Halloween is the first day of the three-day Allhallowtide, which runs October 31, November 1, and November 2. Without further ado, here is part one of my third addition to my previous Halloween posts. Lights, camera, action!

“Well, well, well . . . “
Count Dracula sat in his control room, made of all black and red. He watched on his massive television the scenes that cameras over all of New York City are taping. Children going door-to-door, saying “Trick or treat!” when the person inside the house opens the door. However, when four kids, two boys (dressed as Kylo Ren and Iron Man) and two girls (dressed as a princess and Rey) rang the doorbell of a very large mansion, the door opened very slowly. Just a crack open, the person inside the house said, “Can I help you?”
All four kids said, “Trick or treat!”
“How about TRICK?!” the person screamed. The person grabbed the kid dressed as Iron Man by the neck with what seemed to be a metal claw stuck to the person’s hand. Kylo Ren screamed as loud as he could, and the person with the metal claw threw him down the steps, scaring all four kids away faster than a snap of the finger. The person who walked outside the door looked like a burn victim. With a very tan and burnt face, a red-and-green long-sleeved T-shirt, the metal claw stuck to a hand, and a bowler hat with grease marks on it, the man looked extremely frightening.
“What’s with kids these days? No respect!” muttered Freddy Krueger as he prepared to haunt the next kids coming to his house on Elm Street.
Back at Dracula’s control room, Mummy Mark walked into the room. “Hey, Drac, the boss wants you.” Dracula turned around to face the toilet- paper-wrapped monster. “Tell him that I’m busy.” Mark suddenly turned nervous. He said, “I don’t think he’s going to like that.” Dracula became more angry, “Just tell him!”
A voice from the adjacent room shouted, “Hurry up, you stupid idiots!” Mark became more anxious. Dracula said, “I ain’t afraid of no ghost.” Mark seemed confused. “Wait, what? Is that your new motto?” Dracula irritatingly replied, “No, it’s from Ghostbusters.” Mark thought he was steered straight and said, “Oh, right, the one with Jack Black!” Dracula started to say “No” but was interrupted when his master entered the room. “There ya are, you loser Vampire!” said the master.
Dracula bowed to his master. Mark, however, forgot to do so. However, Master (who was dressed in a pumpkin suit and a pumpkin mask so as not to be recognized) gestured for him to do so. Realizing, he quickly bowed, but it was too late. “Hey, Mummy! Can I go outside and play?” the master quipped. He laughed himself silly, though Mark didn’t laugh at all. Dracula fake-chuckled so as to be appreciated by Master. “No, I’m just kiddin’ ’round,” Master said as he suddenly turned sinister. “What I wanted to say was . . . I LIKE RESPECT! Hey, I love respect, to be honest! I love both of you, you guys are like my family. But, sometimes you gotta be prudent with yer family.” Master floated up into the air and went right through Mark like a ghost. Mark dropped to the floor as Master stretched out his arms straight extremely far, farther than any other human could possibly stretch them out, and started unwrapping Mark’s wraps as the mummy screamed, “NO! NOT THE WRAPS! NOT THE WRAPS!” Master just laughed as Dracula watched in horror.
Finally, Master had taken all the layers off Mark, and left was . . . nothing. Mummy Mark was gone forever.
Master looked at what he had done. He wasn’t at all unpleased with himself. In fact, he was very pleased at his destruction of Mummy Mark. Master chose to hide his identity from everyone because he believed that the better you know someone, the more you lose respect for them. None of Master’s associates knew who he was. He was starting to forget who he was. Of course he knew his name . . . he just wasn’t sure if he was who he was in 1988.
At a local New York City prison stood Michael Myers. Unmasked. Un-knifed. He stood staring at the wall in his jail cell. He was embarrassed to not have his mask on. He didn’t particularly enjoy people staring at his real face. He knew that he should be outside, haunting children and adults alike. But he couldn’t. Laurie Strode had burned him severely in his last Halloween film (one out of two-thousand), and the police found him, imprisoning him for life. A policeman came up to his cell and said, “Hey, Myers, you got a visitor.” Michael was surprised. He never had visitors. Mostly because people thought he would knife them before they even had a chance to speak.
The policeman led Michael to the visiting center. Michael sat down on his side of the booth. It appeared there was no one else on the other side.
“Hello there, Michael,” said a creepy voice on the other side of the booth.
Slappy the Dummy lifted himself up so Michael could see him. “I bet you’re probably wondering how I’m not locked up in a book right now, aren’t you, Michael?”
Michael nodded.
Slappy continued, “Well, that’s because a good friend of mine, who is also a toy, let me out. You might know him . . . his name is Chucky the Doll.”
Michael nodded again.
Slappy looked around to make sure nobody was eavesdropping on them. He quietly whispered, “He had a pretty interesting thought. He believed that we could assemble all the serial killers and monsters from Halloween films and round them up to take over this holiday. What do you think?”
After a few seconds, Michael nodded.
Slappy grinned evil-y, “Perfect.” Suddenly, multiple Body Squeezers (as seen in the Goosebumps films) marched into the station and froze everyone in sight. Policemen hastily arrived on the scene and shot at the Body Squeezers, but they froze the police forces as well until every single person in the building was frozen.
Slappy, Michael, and the Body Squeezers started to leave, but Slappy suddenly stopped and turned to Michael. “By the way, Michael, I have a few things for you.” He handed him his old mask, knife, and costume.
At Central Park, a very eccentric-looking car for the modern age rolled up into a parking space. It was a 1933 Packard V-12. Out of the car came an average-sized man around thirty-five to forty-five years old wearing a button-up, khaki pants, and a suit coat; a pale-looking woman with black hair dressed all in black (also about thirty-five to forty-five years old); a slightly larger pale man with a rather large nose and an oversized winter coat (forty to fifty); a messy older woman with gray hair and disjointed clothes (sixty-five to seventy-five); a teenage girl with black hair and all black clothes (thirteen to fifteen); an overweight boy with short blonde hair (ten to twelve); a very strange-looking tall and slim man with an odd face (forty to fifty); and a hand . . . nothing else attached to the hand, just a hand. This was the Addams Family. Gomez Addams, Morticia Addams, Uncle Fester Addams, Grandma Addams, Wednesday Addams, Pugsley Addams, Lurch, and Thing, respectively.
Everyone in and around Central Park looked at this strange group of people. Were they a threat? Or were they just coming from out-of-state . . . or out-of-country, possibly, from the looks of it.
“Lurch, my good man, could you please go fetch the remaining luggage out of the car for us?” Gomez asked the Addams’ butler Lurch. Lurch went back to the car to grab more of the luggage.
“Oh, dear, Gomez, it looks like these people are in misery, begging for a ‘treat’. What a poor city,” Morticia said to Gomez.
Thing pulled at Gomez’s suit coat to get his attention. Once gained, he pointed at a child dressed as Gomez himself.
Gomez was shocked by this. He said to his family, “Oh, dear, look! They’re pretending to be someone else than they really are to gain more attention! How awful.”
At the same time, in Salem, Massachusetts, Jack Skellington and his love Sally passed by a cottage on their walk. The cottage used to be the Sanderson Sisters’ cottage in which they would brew potions and such. Jack and Sally had left Halloween Town to take a look at other worlds that they didn’t live in. Jack, after reading the plaque that told about the Sanderson Sisters, said to Sally, “Maybe we could go in. Take a look, perhaps.”
Sally didn’t like the idea of that. “Jack, we really shouldn’t. It could be dangerous.” Jack, disappointed, wanted to go still, so he nagged Sally further, “Come on, Sally! It’ll be fun!” Sally finally agreed to it. “Fine,” she said.
Jack and Sally tried to walk into the cottage by opening the front door, but it was locked. So they climbed in through the window. The room was very dark, so they couldn’t see anything. “Here,” said Jack, “I’ll light a candle.” He took a match out of his pocket and looked around to see if there was a candle anywhere. He finally found one, and started to light it. Sally, however, suddenly realized. “Jack, don’t light it! That’s the Black Flame Candle that brings the Sanderson Sisters back if a virgin lights it!” She warned Jack too late. The Black Flame Candle had been lit. The floor started shaking, causing Jack and Sally to drop to the floor. The floor suddenly stopped its shaking. Instead, the door burst open. Winifred, Mary, and Sarah Sanderson entered the room. “Well, it’s good to be back!” said Winifred.

Really quick before I leave this post I wanted to give you my top eight Halloween films that are child-friendly. Remember, this is MY opinion:
- 8. The Nightmare Before Christmas
- 7. Clue
- 6. Murder by Death
- 5. The Addams Family (1991)
- 4. The Addams Family (2019)
- 3. Goosebumps
- 2. The Hotel Transylvania Films
- 1. Hocus Pocus
As of right now, I haven’t seen The Addams Family Values or Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween, so that’s why they aren’t on my list.
I have a quick and easy assignment for you guys. Comment down below to say who YOU think Master actually is. There’s some hints scattered throughout the story that you might find useful. 🙂
Have a great Halloween! See you tomorrow with part two of my Halloween post.
Whiz Kid out
Awesome Halloween post. I can’t wait for the next 2 parts! I think the Master is Chucky. You said something about 1988 which is when “Child’s Play” released and you said Master likes to play as does Chucky. My guess is Chucky and if I’m correct, this story will only get better because Chucky is one scary little dude. Can’t wait for post #2 to keep reading this riveting story. Happy Halloween, WK!
Ok, so I think the master is none other than the famous ghost… Beetlejuice! I remember a famous investigator named Det. Nincompoop saying Beetlejuice could tie himself into knots, so I’d imagine he could stretch his arms out a long way as well. If this is true, things are going to get wild!
Great post! Nice way to compress a few movies.
The master is obviously the Devil (master of all evil!)