(Cue the theme song to 2001: A Space Odyssey.) It’s coming. It’s near. Not the Academy Awards themselves, but the projections that precede them. Prepare yourself for the life-altering, PWK-exclusive commentary by the one they call the Prediction Prodigy. The acclaimed soothsayer returns with his final predictions. Don’t forget to arrive back at Planet Whiz Kid this week for an extraordinary experience that will supersede your understanding of the known world. Get ready.
Wow, whoever penned that magnificent and flattering promotion, thank you very much! I certainly didn’t write it, I’m not that self-congratulatory; but somebody is sure impressed with my Oscar winner predictions record. Very impressed. I’m sure the anonymous writer (who was not me) meant every single word of that monologue. How embarrassing!
Anyway, while I may be the foremost subject of that lavish soliloquy, take the supplied advice to heart: come back later this week for my final predictions for this year’s Oscars! I’m more determined than ever to hit that beautiful 100% mark on my ballot; though perhaps not quite as driven as Bradley Cooper and his seemingly never-ending quest to get his hands on that gold statue, no matter how Oscar-baity and mildly deranged his films and performances may become in the process. I’d say the strength and potency of my motivation is more Lily- Gladstone-level (if the reference doesn’t click, just wait until you see an Apple TV+ campaign ad for her performance, and you’ll understand).
So take interstellar travel back to Planet Whiz Kid for my final predictions before the Oscars air on ABC this coming Sunday. See you then! (Except for those of you in my Oscar pool, who are forbade/forbidden to let my post influence your own predictions, which would constitute a strict violation of Article 4, Section B!)
Whiz Kid out
Can’t wait for your predictions!! Bring it, WK! 🙂
Thanks for your endorsement, Maud!