Here I am, back again with part three of the Halloween Spooktacular! Today is the final day of Day of the Dead, as well as Allhallowtide. I’m going to jump right into this one because I have a Halloween party to get to, but first I wanted to address two comments I received last night featuring some theories.
- This first one is from Kamado Judd. He says he believes Master to indeed be Beetlejuice from Beetlejuice. He thinks this because he remembers a famous investigator named Detective Nincompoop, who said that Beetlejuice could tie himself into a knot, so he could probably stretch his arms out, too, as told in part one.
- The second comment is almost the exact same as the first! Maud originally said she thinks Master is Chucky the Doll (as implied in the last part), but she has changed her theory and has theorized that Chucky is Beetlejuice! Since Beetlejuice can tie himself into a knot, he could probably stretch his arms out, too, she said, just as Kamado Judd said. She also said that Tim Burton’s Beetlejuice was released in 1988, a hint that was given in the first part.
Excellent theories! We’ll see if they’re true in this next part, coming up after this commercial break!

To reiterate what happened in the last part, let’s go through where we left off:
So the Invisible Man feels terrible because he thinks that everything is his fault, as he had the chance to defeat Dracula but failed. Slappy, Michael, and the Body Squeezers try to get Freddy Krueger on their side, but he instead attacks them and pays the price for it, i.e. is thrown out a window by Slappy. The Addams Family continue roaming around Central Park, and are confused by how “odd” all the people are. Back at Eerie Estate (Master’s mansion), Wizard Marius escapes from his cage, paralyzes Master, and frees all the other trapped monsters. Then Jack Skellington barges in and announces that Slappy and Chucky the Doll managed to bring all the Halloween villains from Halloween movies back to life. Dracula says that if Slappy and Chucky are responsible for doing this, he must destroy them. Dracula then realizes that Master is probably Chucky, but then Pennywise the Dancing Clown enters and is pleased to see Dracula (probably so he can murder him).
Pennywise had a big rivalry with Count Dracula in the 2017 post, so they might have a face-off! Also, the big question is . . . is Chucky Master? How did Slappy bring back all the Halloween villains? Why are Dracula and Jack opposed to Slappy? They sure don’t seem pleased that Slappy brought back all the Halloween villains. All these questions will be answered in “Halloween: Part 3”. Lights, camera, action!
Halloween villains roamed all over New York City. From Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs) to Norman Bates (Psycho) to Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th) to the Oogie Boogie (The Nightmare Before Christmas) to Ghostface (Scream), NYC was filled with villains and monsters alike. Zombies from Zombieland, Maleficent from Maleficent, and Joker from The Dark Knight scared kids away as they secured their spot in Central Park as their lair. All of the monsters from the Goosebumps books were there, too, because Slappy the Dummy had released them from their books in R.L. Stein’s house.
The Addams Family looked around, not sure if they should flee or stay and embrace the villains and monsters. Uncle Fester said, “I don’t know about you fellas, but I’m stayin’ with Mr. Hugable here!” He hugged the very soft Abominable Snowman, who picked Fester up and threw him across the city.
Gomez was not concerned at all after seeing his brother mistreated by the ferocious beast. He did that to Fester all the time! He turned to the Abominable Snowman and said, “Aha! Thank you, kind sir, for your generosity towards the Addams Family! God bless you in your journey towards the poles!”
The Abominable Snowman didn’t understand any of this, so he just picked Grandma up and ate her. That’s right, ate her. The Snowman shoved her in his mouth and swallowed.
Gomez wasn’t expecting that. Flinging someone across the city is fine, but eating somebody was kind of pushing the line. He was about to say something, but Morticia said it instead. “Mr. Abominable, I would greatly appreciate it if you took that kind old woman out of your stomach and returned her to us before I force Lurch to do it for you.”
This time, Abominable picked up Thing and observed him. Not entirely sure what he was looking at, the snowman decided not to eat this random hand. Who knew where it had been?
Morticia became frustrated and ordered, “Lurch, as it seems this beast won’t do it, please take Grandma out of its stomach.” Lurch started to move towards Abominable, but was stopped by a voice inside the monster’s belly: “No, ya don’t have to take me out! I love it in here! It’s so warm and cozy! I wouldn’t want to be any other place!” It was Grandma. Morticia replied, “Grandma, we have things to do. You can’t spend all day in a stranger’s stomach. The last time you did, you had a horrendous experience.” Grandma said, “I know! That’s what I want!” Morticia was turning slightly more angry now. She started, “Grandma . . . ” but was interrupted by Pugsley, who was screaming because Jason Voorhees had picked him up and put his machete up to Puglsey’s neck.
Morticia seemed confused by the reason for Pugsley’s scream. She said, “Pugsley, you used to love it when your father put a machete to your neck.” “But I wanted to have an axe put to my neck, not a machete!” Pugsley responded. Morticia rolled her eyes. “Fine, not today.” She turned towards Jason and said, “Sir, would you please put our child down? Unfortunately, he’s not in the mood for a machete to the neck today.” Jason didn’t answer. He never answered. He was just like Michael Myers in that way. Morticia started to say something to Jason, but was interrupted when three witches on broomsticks appeared. The one witch had a bag that looked like it had a very tall person in it.
Morticia pinged Gomez. “Dear, we should probably go. These people are very busy. We don’t want to waste any more of their time.” Gomez attempted to take Pugsley out of Jason’s arms, but Jason wouldn’t let go. “Come on, good man! Let off!” After trying for a while, he said to Pugsley, “Pugsley, would you be okay with just staying here for a while? I’ll come back later and get you after these folks are done. You’ll just have to deal with the neck machete.” Pugsley thought about this for a minute and then reluctantly agreed, “Okay.”
And with that, the remaining Addams Family (Gomez, Morticia, Wednesday, Thing, and Lurch) left just as Slappy climbed onto a tree branch and made a speech. “Monsters and villains, hello! You know me. I’m Slappy, the one who brought all of you here . . . except you Sanderson Sisters. That was Jack Skellington!” Everyone laughed and applauded at this. Winifred, Mary, and Sarah Sanderson bowed. Slappy continued, “Tonight, we have the chance to claim what’s rightfully ours. History! All of us have failed to do our deeds. Michael,” — he pointed at Michael who was standing in the crowd — “you, time after time, are defeated by Laurie Strode. Ordinary Laurie Strode. Well, guess what, Michael. Not today!” All of the monsters and villains applauded at this. Slappy gestured to the Sanderson Sisters. “Winnie, Mary, and Sarah Sanderson. You were hanged for witchcraft and murder on October 31, 1693. Three-hundred years later, right down to the day, you were defeated by two puny teenagers, an eight-year-old girl, and an undead ex-lover? How is this possible?
And as for me . . . well, I had been locked up in a tiny little book by R.L. Stein for decades, until 2015 when three teens inadvertently let me out, along with all you other Goosebumps monsters out there. And I lost. And in 2018, I lost again. Well, now I’m back, and there’s nothing that can stop me . . . stop us . . . from winning!” All the monsters and villains applauded and cheered viciously. “Now let’s march down to Eerie Estate, and show those fake monsters who the REAL monsters are!” Slappy told everyone. Every single monster and villain started walking single-file down to Master’s Eerie Estate.
Speaking of Eerie Estate, Pennywise the Dancing Clown had arrived there, ready to take down Count Dracula once and for all. Last year, Dracula had hired Pennywise to capture over two-hundred-thousand children for him. However, when Pennywise failed to do so, Dracula attempted to murder him, but Pennywise had escaped. Now the killer clown was at Eerie Estate, ready to defeat the vampire.
Pennywise and Dracula stood looking at each other for a moment. And then Pennywise lunged at the count. Dracula, however, had seen this coming and froze Pennywise in his place using his magical powers. Pennywise fell to the ground, frozen in place, similar to Master, who was paralyzed a few feet away and had been frozen by Wizard Marius.
Dracula circled around Pennywise, looking at his victory. “You numskull. You truly thought that you could beat me? I don’t think so!”
Jack Skellington was trying to get Dracula’s attention, though the Count continued his mocking towards Pennywise. All of the monsters that had been previously held captive were escaping, and there was nothing Jack could do about it. Dracula was so caught up in his victory against Pennywise that he failed to notice what was going on around him. Finally, Jack yelled to the count, “DRAC! LISTEN TO ME! ALL YOUR MONSTERS ARE ESCAPING!” This snapped Dracula out of his funk. He turned to Jack and grilled, “What did you say?” Jack replied, “All the monsters just escaped because you were caught up in your little fantasy world!” Dracula realized what had happened. He started to fly towards the exit, but then remembered what his mission was. It wasn’t to capture the monsters back, it was to show Slappy and Chucky that they couldn’t steal his ideas.
Dracula had the same idea to bring all the Halloween monsters and villains to life a few months ago. He just didn’t know how he could bring everyone back. Drac and Mummy Mark theorized that someone had stolen their idea, and was going to use it against them. It would then make sense for Master to be Chucky, because Chucky would’ve known about Dracula’s idea, and brought it to Slappy so that Slappy could be the “first to do it”.
Dracula stopped flying towards the exit. He turned around and walked back to where the paralyzed Master was lying on the floor. Jack was confused why Dracula wasn’t going after the fleeing monsters. “Drac? Why aren’t you tracking those guys down?” Dracula didn’t respond to the question. He instead said to Master, “Let’s see who you are.” And then he took the orange mask off Master.
It was the face of Chucky the Doll. Dracula took the rest of the orange costume off. It was Chucky the Doll in his usual play outfit. He had stuffed the remaining suit with lots of cotton so it would look like he was taller. “I knew it!” Dracula yelled at Master Chucky. “You thought that I would work for you, you stupid idiot? You think I would work for a toy? NO! I had a plan this entire time, to destroy you and take your title!” Dracula used a spell on Master Chucky to un-paralyze him. As soon as he was un-paralyzed, Chucky started running for the door, but Dracula easily stopped him. Drac took Chucky’s knife out of his pocket and threw it out the window. Then he sat Chucky down. “Tell us a little bit about how Slappy brought back all these villains.” Chucky refused to tell. “No.”
Dracula knew this would happen. “Alright, we’re going to have to do this the hard way.” He started cursing everything he could on Chucky to torture him so he would give into telling. “ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT! I’LL TELL!” Chucky screamed. “So you know how whenever you open a special type of Goosebumps from R.L. Stein’s house, the monsters come out of the book?” Dracula and Jack nodded. “Well, what Slappy and I did is we researched a bit about how those monsters could come out of those books. We applied that formula to the movie DVDs. For example, if we wanted Pennywise here,” — he gestured to the still-frozen Pennywise — “to come to life, we would do all these experiments on the DVD of It. And once we had the scientific method down, we would apply it to all the DVDs we could to have the characters come to life.”
As Dracula asked what the formula and scientific method was for the DVDs, the Invisible Man, Frankenstein, The Werewolf Man, Witch Miriam, Wizard Marius, Jack O’Lantern, and Skeleton were listening closely in an adjacent room. Jack O’Lantern was taking notes on everything that Chucky said to use it for their plan. Their plan was to bring back all the characters from the Halloween films who would defeat the villains or monsters. For example, to defeat Michael Myers, they would have to bring back Laurie Strode.
After Chucky finished explaining to Dracula the process of bringing the villains to life, the Invisible Man, Jack O’Lantern, and the other “good” monsters fled. They went to the store and bought one copy of every Halloween film they could find. As for the Goosebumps characters from the books, they would just have to deal with what they had for characters of the films. They couldn’t take the hero from every Goosebumps book and put them in Central Park, as R.L. Stein had only locked up the villains in the books.
After they were done applying the formula and scientific method to the DVDs, the Invisible Man led the others to a safe spot in Central Park to open up the DVD box so that the heroes could come out into the real world. The Invisible Man counted for the others, “Three . . . two . . . one . . . ” And they opened the DVD boxes.
Everyone wasn’t quite sure what was happening. They saw random swirls moving around, forming something, but they didn’t know what. After about one and a half minutes, all of the heroes from the Halloween films had been released in Central Park.
From Laurie Strode (Halloween) to Freddy Krueger (Freddy vs. Jason) to R.L. Stein (Goosebumps), it seemed that most of the heroes were just ordinary people . . . but they were anything but that. These were heroes.
Back at Eerie Estate, Slappy was leading all the monsters and villains toward the castle. The Abominable Snowman broke down the door, and everyone filled in. Dracula, Master Chucky, and Jack Skellington instantly saw what had happened. Chucky suddenly disappeared from the room as Dracula and Jack prepared to fight the devilish creatures.
The Sanderson Sisters were flying around the room, mocking Jack. Back at the Sanderson cottage in Salem, Massachusetts, he had escaped, but Sally hadn’t. He tried to save her, but she told him to save himself. Winnie Sanderson had electrocuted Jack, and he was thrown out of the house. Jack thought that what was in the bag Mary was carrying was Sally.
Dracula couldn’t handle everything coming at him at once. Leatherface took his chainsaw at Dracula; Jason Voorhees, who was still carrying Pugsley, was trying to cut Dracula; and Ghostface had stabbed the vampire from behind. Dracula dropped to the floor, sure that he would die. Everything was closing in around him. He didn’t know what was happening . . .
And then the Losers’ Club (from It) entered the room. So did Laurie Strode, Freddy Krueger, R.L. Stein, Max Dennison & Billy Butcherson (from Hocus Pocus), Brad Majors & Janet Weiss (from The Rocky Horror Picture Show), Tallahassee (from Zombieland), and hundreds of others. What was going on? Suddenly, all of these characters started fighting the others. Who had rescued him? Who had been his savior?
Jack was wondering the same thing. After gaining a moment to breathe, Chucky reappeared and started fighting Jack. Chucky took a knife to Jack’s skull, but it didn’t hurt since it was just a bone. In fact, everything on Jack was multiple bones. He was a skeleton! He couldn’t die again! He picked Chucky up and threw him out the window. Chucky kept falling down until Jack heard a crash. Jack looked out the window at Chucky. He had been broken into two.
“YES!!” Jack cheered at his success, but his happiness didn’t last long. The Sanderson Sisters were swarming around him again. Winnie started singing:
“I put a spell on you
And now you’re mine
You can’t stop the things I do
I ain’t lyin'”
Jack tried to plug his ears, but he remembered that he didn’t have any ears. He quickly grabbed a large vase with cobwebs in it and threw it at Mary. Mary screamed as she fell off her broom. The large bag that she had been carrying fell separately from her. Jack caught it just in time and opened it.
“Jack!” It was Sally. The two hugged and reunited just as Slappy appeared on Dracula’s head, flipping him over. “Hey, Drac! Check out my new moves, eh?!” He then punched Dracula as the vampire was thrown across the room by the force. Slappy walked closer to where Drac had landed, getting ready to use the metal claw he had stolen from Freddy (not the Freddy from the DVD, but the real Freddy who he threw out the window). Drac started to threaten Slappy, “Don’t come near me you little –“
“Don’t say it.”
” — futile –“
” — dummy!”
“YOU SAID IT!” screeched Slappy. He attempted to stab Dracula with the claw, but Dracula caught Slappy’s arm before he stabbed him and quickly took off the metal claw, using his special powers to lift Slappy up in the air. Dracula then cursed Slappy, dropping him back onto the ground. Slappy didn’t move. He didn’t speak. That was because Dracula had cursed him so that he was just a regular dummy.
It seemed that the good side was winning. Freddy had beat Jason; Brad & Janet had defeated Rocky and Dr. Frank-n-Furter; and Laurie had just overpowered Michael. The Addams Family had just arrived with their Cousin Itt, and were siding with the good guys.
Jack and Sally were fighting off Winnie, Mary, and Sarah still. The Sanderson Sisters were overpowering the two, but then Jack noticed that directly below the castle was a graveyard, and witches couldn’t step foot in a graveyard. Jack muttered to Sally, “Get them to fall out the window; there’s a graveyard down below.” Sally nodded, and unexpectedly grabbed Sarah by her neck, throwing her down below to where Chucky was lying. Sarah survived the fall down, but her feet started burning once she was standing in the graveyard. And pretty soon, she had been turned to stone. Jack and Sally managed to do so with Mary, too, but Winnie was a tricky one. Eventually, Winnie put a spell so powerful on Jack that his bones started to separate. Sally couldn’t bear to see this. “Jack!” she cried. “What’s happening to you?” Jack used this spell as an opportunity. He took hold of Winnie’s hands, said, “Goodbye, Sally,” and jumped out of the window, holding onto Winnie. He and Winnie fell down until they hit the graveyard. Winnie hastily turned to stone, and all of Jack’s bones had been separated.
Finally, in Eerie Estate, every single one of the Halloween monsters and villains had been defeated. Although they lost some heroes as well, the “Hero Side” had won the fight. The Invisible Man, Wizard Marius, Jack O’Lantern, even Count Dracula, and the others rejoiced. Not Sally, though. She was grieving Jack. Skeleton came over and comforted her. “It’s okay, Sally. We can always rebuild Jack with Super Glue.” Sally said, “Thank you, Mr. Skeleton. I really appreciate your kindness.”
The Invisible Man walked up to Dracula and asked him, “One question: why was everyone transferred here when they disintegrated?” Dracula replied, “I’m only telling you this because you saved my life. It’s a very complex spell that took me years to learn. It’s called the ‘Trickery Spell’. It’s very misleading because what it appears to do is really very fake. I simply transferred them to their jail cells here, at Eerie Estate.” Invisible, though you couldn’t see it, smiled. “You know, Drac, I would love to see you put in a prison yourself for your crimes, but I think you have some good in you. Here,” — he gave Dracula a ticket that said Transylvania on it — “it’s on me. Go back to your Hotel Transylvania for a few months. Myself or someone else can take over Eerie Estate if needed.” Now Dracula smiled for the first time in years. “Thank you, Invisible.”

So there’s the ending of my three-part Halloween post! I have to run, but I hope you enjoyed my story. Also, here is the Halloween video that I made with help from my parents this year:
Happy final Day of the Dead!
Whiz Kid out
Post-Credits Scene: The broken-in-half Chucky blinks. He says, “I suppose I can turn back to my regular form now.” After a moment of transforming, he isn’t Chucky any more. He is Beetlejuice the Ghost, who was disguised as Chucky the whole time.
This was an amazing 3 part story. Thanks for sharing!! I guess I was kinda right then. It was kind of Chucky but in the end it was Beetlejuice. Do I win something? 😉 Great work, WK! You always make the holidays even more fun with your special holiday posts! I hope you’ve started working on a Thanksgiving story. 🙂
No wonder you were in our family room for 3 hours! That post would have taken me 3 years to do! You are the Master, in my opinion. But, I was wrong on the last one. ?
A thrilling end to an amazing series! Great work kiddo! And I’m equally pleased to know I correctly guessed the master?