Well, they’re here once more. The awards show that never seems to never die (for better or worse, arguably), the awards show that Jimmy Kimmel has attempted to hijack the last two years, the awards show that’s all about movies presented on massive cinematic screens but which itself is broadcast on the small world of…
Quick Post: MLK Day 2025
He’s back! The Father of the Civil Rights Movement’s just and unwavering spirit has returned this year to remind us of the power of peace, love, and equality (not granola). In case you haven’t deduced it yet, I’m referring to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his annual Day. While this year Dr. King…
Minipost: Halloween 2024
Halloween is back, and so is PWK! (The fancy abbreviation for Planet Whiz Kid.) Pumpkins are once again donning wild designs, children dressed as Lucifer are hooked on Skittles, black cats roam the streets, and presidential elections loom once more. Truly a horror story of terrifying proportions! To continue with the annual tradition, I will…
The 96th Academy Awards: Full & Final Predictions
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the 6th Annual Planet Whiz Kid Academy Awards Predictions & Projections Virtual Written-Only Ceremony! Or, as we call it in show business, the APWKAAPPVWOCs (pronounced “ah-pwap-vocks”; lots of silent letters). Beginning in December of each year, I’m known to semi-psychotically obsess over who will be nominated for the Academy Awards…
Up Next on PWK: 2024 Oscars Ballot
(Cue the theme song to 2001: A Space Odyssey.) It’s coming. It’s near. Not the Academy Awards themselves, but the projections that precede them. Prepare yourself for the life-altering, PWK-exclusive commentary by the one they call the Prediction Prodigy. The acclaimed soothsayer returns with his final predictions. Don’t forget to arrive back at Planet Whiz…
Quick Post: Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2024
Well, here we are again! We somehow made it to 2024, which means that I was contractually obligated to pen (or rather type) my annual MLK Day post. So join Planet Whiz Kid on its 5th Annual King Celebration! (Not intended for Charles.) Today we’ll be taking a quick peek at the three biggest events…
Quick (and Belated) Post: Halloween 2023
Beware, readers! You are about to step through a doorway into the most terrifying, bloodcurdling, chilling, nightmarish, horrendous, spine-tingling, and (insert scary adjective here) realm possibly imagined by the human cerebrum. You shall experience fear, oh such dreadful fear. This eternal trepidation will consume you, twist your mind, and spawn an irreparable metamorphosis that demands…
Final Predictions: 95th Academy Awards
They’re back! After a year off the air, one of Hollywood’s biggest awards ceremonies has returned to TV ready to pass out trophies to film and television, with a brand new host at the center of it. Two Murphys (Eddie and Ryan) will be picking up honorary accolades, and there’ll no doubt be talk of…
Coming Soon!
Hey there, folks! I just wanted to keep you posted (pun intended) on some upcoming articles slated to join Planet Whiz Kid! First off, get prepared for the 5th Annual Oscar Predictions Special with exclusive projections for who will win Best Picture and more! The Academy Awards airs on ABC March 12th, so expect this…
Predictions Before the Nominations: 2023 Oscars
Your eyes do not deceive you – the “Predictions Before the Nominations” series is back! Five years later, this iconic staple of Planet Whiz Kid has made its grand return to . . . WAIT! Everything you has just learned . . . is a lie! Annually, I make sure to write a post predicting…