Hey there, folks! I just wanted to keep you posted (pun intended) on some upcoming articles slated to join Planet Whiz Kid!
First off, get prepared for the 5th Annual Oscar Predictions Special with exclusive projections for who will win Best Picture and more! The Academy Awards airs on ABC March 12th, so expect this . . . well, before that. It’s been scientifically proven that ambiguous descriptions keep people coming back!
Also, the Whiz Kid Awards are back! I, the Chair and sole member of the PWK Film Committee, have been watching through the hottest and talkiest movies of 2022 to bring you the objective awards show! (Albeit via a virtual website.) So stay tuned!
Additionally, other projects in the works include a guide to the streaming services during this ever-evolving digital age, and a shocking exposé essay that’s guaranteed to provoke action. I’ll leave it at that!
So, add “Planet Whiz Kid” to your bookmarks, because there’s plenty to return for! Until then, adieu, adios, and au revoir.
Whiz Kid out