I told you I would be back with another post soon, and I stood true to my promise! I also said that I might have a Star Wars post up soon, and I stood true to that promise, too! Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker premiered in Los Angeles last night, and the film was…
Top 10 Christmas Films of All Time
Yes!!! I’m finally doing it! On my old website, I never ONCE wrote a Christmas post. I, myself, still cannot believe it. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, as stated by Andy Williams. I’m going to go through my top ten list of Christmas-themed movies and review them, as well as give some…
Halloween: Part 3
Here I am, back again with part three of the Halloween Spooktacular! Today is the final day of Day of the Dead, as well as Allhallowtide. I’m going to jump right into this one because I have a Halloween party to get to, but first I wanted to address two comments I received last night…
Halloween: Part 2
Welcome back to my continuation of the three-part story of “Halloween”! I hope that all of you had a great Halloween yesterday. I trick-or-treated as Kylo Ren this year in celebration of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. I went with my friends, who dressed up as Thor (the Avengers: Age of Ultron version) and…
That’s right! I’m back to write a Halloween post after another month of disappearing. I’m sorry that I’ve been absent for so long! I’ve been really busy helping out with my local theater. I’ve been in six shows there the past year, as well as taking part on their committee. I highly recommend you audition…
Just a Quick Check-In!
Okay — instead of me trashing myself about how long it’s been since I’ve written a post (since May, actually), I am just gonna jump right into this post before I get way too over-expressive ;). I wrote this The Office and Parks and Recreation research paper last year, and since I really needed to…
May the 4th Be With You + Peter Mayhew Tribute
Yes, it’s here again! May the 4th Be With You is here! I’m having a transition from MCU to Star Wars, but after May the 4th today, I’ll probably transition back to the MCU. I’ve been wanting to write a spoiler review for Avengers: Endgame, but I haven’t found time! I’ve seen it twice so…
Avengers: Endgame — Who Will Survive?
Here we go. Another Avengers: Endgame post. Yesterday, in my last post, I mentioned that I wanted to write another Endgame post for today. Mission accomplished! Unless I abandon this right now and decide to post it tomorrow. No! I wanted to write three Endgame posts, and I’m currently on track! Yesterday I wrote “Preparing…
Preparing For Avengers: Endgame and Happy Belated Easter!
Happy belated Easter, everybody! I’m just gonna jump right in, so my main question for you today is what did you do for Easter? I didn’t do much. My dad made my mom and I a special Easter breakfast (eggs, hash browns, bacon, and English muffins), but I couldn’t really see the rest of my…
First Star Wars: Episode IX Trailer Revealed!
Okay, I’m just gonna jump right into this one. WTHECK? I am speechless. You guys probably know what I’m talking about from the title. If you haven’t seen the trailer for Star Wars: Episode IX, go check it out immediately! Or should you? If you don’t want any spoilers from the film, don’t watch it!…